The winners of the DH Awards 2015 are as follows. Once ‘accidental’ (and not so accidental) duplicates of the 1922 ballots were removed there were 1862 ballots cast by members of the public over two weeks voting for one or more of the categories. Sorry if your favoured resource did not win — open public votes are popularity contests and some of the contestants campaigned more than the others. Since this is a DH awareness activity, if lots of people saw your favoured resource, then we all win. If you wish you may submit feedback at:
Best Use of DH For Fun
- Winner: PAGANS (Playful Art: a GAme oN Similarity)
- 1st Runner Up: AiRome
- 2nd Runner Up: The Panopticam
- Other nominees (alphabetically):
- Total Votes in this category: 710
Best DH Data Visualization
- Winner: Mapping Metaphor with the Historical Thesaurus: Metaphor Map of English
- 1st Runner Up: Centre for Australian Art: Australian Prints + Printmaking
- 2nd Runner Up: Martin Grandjean: Network visualization: mapping Shakespeare’s tragedies
- Other nominees (alphabetically):
- Total Votes in this category: 682
Best Use of DH For Public Engagement
- Winner: Alchimia di Jackson Pollock / Jackson Pollock: Alchemy in 3D
- 1st Runner Up: Digital Codex Mendoza
- 2nd Runner Up: ArtyHum Revista Digital de Artes y Humanidades
- Other nominees (alphabetically):
- Total Votes in this category: 904
Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools
- Winner: DanteSources
- 1st Runner Up: 3DHOP: 3D Heritage Online Presenter
- 2nd Runner Up: ALCIDE (Analysis of Language and Content In a Digital Environment)
- Other nominees (alphabetically):
- Total Votes in this category: 1229
Best DH Blog Post or Series of Posts
- Winner: AWOL: The Ancient World Online Blog
- 1st Runner Up: Sarah E. Bond: Late Antiquity, Digital Humanities, and Musings on the Classical World
- 2nd Runner Up: Martin Grandjean: [Network analysis] Digital Humanities on Twitter, a small-world?
- Other nominees (alphabetically):
- Antonio Rojas Castro: Ser “joven investigador” en HD
- 人文情報学月報 / Digital Humanities Monthly
- Dominic Forest: Les mots de la campagne / The words of the campaign
- Fonte Gaia Blog
- Literature Geek: Digital Dissertation
- Kathryn Greenan: The Inner Workings of a History Major’s Mind
- Library and Information Technology Association Blog
- Miriam Posner: Rehabbing DH101
- Orla Egan Blog
- Scholarly Data Visualisations
- Syuzhet Blog Posts (From Anglophile in Academia: Annie Swafford’s Blog)
- Total Votes in this category: 737