DH Awards 2018 – Nominations Committee

The DH Awards 2018 are overseen by an international Nominations Committee of volunteers whose role it is to check that nominations are in the right category, available, are DH in some loose sense, and have had some update that year. For DH Awards 2018 this consisted of:

  • Marjorie Burghart — EHESS: École des Haute Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
  • James Cummings (Founder/Director) — Newcastle University (United Kingdom)
  • Jen-Jou Hung — Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts 法鼓文理學院 (Taiwan)
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki — International Institute for Digital Humanities 一般財団法人 人文情報学研究所 (Japan)
  • Miriam Peña Pimentel — UNAM: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México)

As necessary we will also seek additional ad hoc assistance for some nominations by experts in those subject areas.