DH Awards 2017 – Statistics

As part of DH Awards 2017 we collected a variety of statistics. These included optional ones collected on the nominations and voting where users chose to submit them. In addition we collected a variety of statistics through standard use of Google Analytics.

Nomination Statistics

Nominations are removed if they are duplicates of something already nominated (most common), are not in any way loosely ‘DH’, the nominations committee can’t find any sign of update/release/modification that year, or if the resource owner requests to be removed. Also they may not accept one if it is behind a paywall.  Mostly it is duplicates, people confusing nominating with voting.

Nominations Submitted 59
Nominations Accepted 48

 Ballot Statistics

Ballots are only removed where it is evident that someone has voted multiple times. The rule of thumb is that if they have voted 2 or 3 times (e.g. using the same email address) then we’ll take the last ballot cast. If they have voted over 3 times, we remove all of their votes. In general people sometimes accidentally submit the form more than once.

Ballots Submitted 4130
Ballots Accepted 4069

Links to Google Analytics Data

Google Analytics is running on this website and thus we’re able to make available some other sorts of anonymous data.

    • Awaiting free time to look at google analytics data

Optional Statistics on Nomination / Voting Form


The nomination and voting form asked “What is your gender? (Optional)” and this year instead of limiting it to Male/Female/Other we gave multiple gender identities and related categories and enabled people to select more than one. The question was optional and there was no requirement to answer it.

Gender Identity Voting Form Nominations
Female 1725 24
Male 1276 19
I do not wish to answer (you do not have to, this question is optional) 121 1
Other 24
Non-binary 15
Genderfluid 11
Questioning or Unsure 9
Agender 8
Female, I do not wish to answer (you do not have to, this question is optional) 5
Male, Female 4
Female, Non-binary 3
Transgender 3
Female, Other 2
Male, I do not wish to answer (you do not have to, this question is optional) 2
Male, Questioning or Unsure 2
Male, Transgender 2
Non-binary, Genderfluid 2
Transgender, Agender 2
Female, Genderfluid 1
Male, Female, Non-binary, Genderfluid, Questioning or Unsure, Transgender, Agender, Other, I do not wish to answer (you do not have to, this question is optional) 1
Male, Genderfluid 1
Male, Genderfluid, Questioning or Unsure, Other 1
Male, Non-binary, Genderfluid 1
Male, Other 1
Non-binary, Genderfluid, Questioning or Unsure, Transgender, Other 1
Other, I do not wish to answer (you do not have to, this question is optional) 1
Total: 3224 44


Those making nominations and voting were also asked “What is your current country of residence? (Optional)”. This is a clearer demographic marker of whether we’re expanding our international population of voters than asking “Where they are from/born/etc.” since people move around so where they are born often has little to do with the community of which they are now a part.

Country Code Voting Nominating
AE 1
AR 13 1
AT 16 2
AU 45 2
BE 5
BO 2
BR 21
CA 36 2
CC 1
CD 1
CH 22
CK 1
CL 513 1
CN 26
CO 820 2
CP 1
CR 3
CY 1
DE 42
DK 2
EC 2
ES 57 2
FI 1
FR 16
GA 3
GB 112 5
GE 1
GR 420 2
HK 4 1
HU 2
IA 2
IE 101 3
IL 1
IN 1
IR 2
IT 97 2
JA 13
JP 26 1
KR 1
KZ 1
MK 1
MO 1
MT 1
MU 1
MX 26 1
NE 1
NL 31 1
NO 1
NZ 2
PA 1
PE 2
PL 1
PR 1
PT 15 1
RO 2
RS 1
RU 21
SA 1
SE 5
SP 3
TR 3
TW 5 2
US 380 17
UY 3
VA 1
VE 3
ZA 2
ZM 1
ZW 16
Totals: 2967 48

If you make use of any of these statistics we’d appreciate it if you got in touch.