DH Awards 2024 Voting

Please vote for the following resources from 2023 in the DH Awards 2023. Anyone is allowed to vote (once). Have a look over the resources in each category and then fill out the form linked to at the bottom of the page in order to vote. For frequently asked questions please see http://dhawards.org/dhawards2024/faqs/ for more information. We are sorry if your nominated resource wasn’t passed by the committee, all decisions are final once voting opens. We may also have moved it to a different category. 

Note: Nominations are not filtered for quality and resources may self-nominate. If you own the resource and there are errors in your title or URL please email james at dhawards.org and we will correct these. 

Voting will be open until 2025-04-04

BEST DH DATA VISUALIZATION (e.g. a visualization of DH data)

BEST DH DATASET OR MODEL (e.g. a corpus of texts, table of data, model, or similar used for DH research)

BEST DH SHORT PUBLICATION (e.g. blog, article, video, on DH)

BEST DH TOOL OR SUITE OF TOOLS (e.g. something used to build a DH resource)

BEST DH TRAINING MATERIALS (e.g. talks, slides, exercises, videos, or how-to guides in any form)

BEST DH RESOURCE (e.g. digital scholarly edition, archive, or repository for DH)

BEST USE OF DH FOR FUN (e.g. something that uses DH for purposes of enjoyment)